Friday, September 17, 2010

Many U.S. States are Palms Up for Internet Sales Tax Dollars

In an article on MSNBC's website, I read that many states are cracking down on collecting tax dollars on items sold on the internet. Many adults regularly purchase items online, and to me, it's always been sort of an extra 8% discount on top of what online retailers offer versus local retail stores. I’ve always been under the impression that if you are purchasing something from across state lines, then sales tax is not applicable. Apparently, that’s not the case. The article stated that if the retailer doesn’t add the tax onto the transaction, then the consumer is responsible for filing a form with the revenue office and paying the percentage on top of the transaction amount. How likely would we really be to buck up and pay that extra 8+%? Not very. That is unless the crackdown issues more strict mandates or punishments for nonpayment.
This article is worth reading if you too are confused about the sales tax payment requirements, or if you would like to find out how to report your purchases and pay up.

Johnson, Alex. "States working harder to collect online sales tax." N.p., 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.

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