Friday, October 15, 2010

Write Wing?

In Dave Lindorff’s article “Don’t Act, Don’t Lead: Obama Stiffs Gays in the Military Yet Again,” the author indulges into the world of gay rights and activism as well as the political query regarding whether or not President Barack Obama is working towards honest policy or trying to be people friendly. When the question coming to whether or not Obama is “stiffing the gays,” I’d say he isn’t. It’s not Obama or his singular position that is promoting or demoting gay rights and support that is directly affecting the “don’t ask, don’t tell” legislature. In my opinion, it is the American public as a majority. Enter stage: gay rights marriage, gay rights to adopt children, gay families being able to be artificially inseminated, and on goes the list. Sad thing is, there is more active legislative action on the idea of whether or not homosexual men and women are apt and capable – God forbid brave and courageous enough- to serve and protect our country, rights and freedom. I agree with Lindorff’s outrage that the simplicity of President Obama’s attempts for short term compromise, but to me it fails him in the right that millions of Americans hoped him to make his promised change that we unfortunately aren’t seeing in the horizon.

Dave Lindorff’s blog, being leaned towards the left winged Democrats, surely doesn’t seem so confident in our President. He is undoubtedly trying to reach like-minded left wingers, but his - implicit – but halfhearted- insults of the issue at hand isn’t as strong as it should have come across. This may pique the interest of some gay activists passing through, but in my opinion, Mr. Lindorff missed the boat in a substantial argument that could have concreted an amazing structure of a debate.

That’s my PoV


And my source:

Lindorff, Dave. Weblog post. Don’t Act, Don’t Lead: Obama Stiffs Gays in the
     Military Yet Again. Can This Be Happening, 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2010.

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