Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fighting the Wrong War

After reading a classmate's blog, I was interested in the idea that it is more pertinent for the United States to be less interested in Middle Eastern democracy, and more interested in things that are happening on our home front. I agree that the tension on the border is something that deserves more attention and resources, and it is especially critical for American border states. Unfortunately, I do not see a change in the near future because so many resources and funding have been dedicated to the "War on Terror," and to abandon it too quickly would aggravate many people. Along with that, there is a lot of hatred for the United States in the Middle East, and our presence there is important to keep a bit of pressure on insurgent groups. I'm not sure that we could abandon operations overseas, but I certainly agree that the "War on Drugs" and border control deserve a lot more attention that either is currently being given.

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